Bed bugs are becoming more and more widespread in Quebec and are becoming very resistant to pesticides. Many people mistakenly believe that these pests thrive primarily in unsanitary areas, which can lead to shame when they discover them in their homes.
In fact, these insects have no preference regarding the cleanliness of the premises and spread wherever they manage to sneak in. Their presence causes several health problems related to stress and anxiety, as well as allergies, especially since they sting to feed on blood.
The problem is so widespread in the greater Montreal area that a bedbug registry was recently created for the greater metropolitan area. The data accumulated in the registry will be used to evaluate the evolution of the infestation by sector.
Although the registry is only for the metropolis, the intervention ofexterminators on the South Shore of Montreal is also required to control the situation.
What does a bed bug look like?
Bed bugs are brown, oval-shaped, and measure 4 to 7 mm, which is about the size of an apple seed. They are wingless insects, so they do not fly or jump. They move at the same speed as an ant.

The solutions available in extermination
It can be potentially dangerous to try to get rid of bed bugs yourself, especially with commercial products. These make parasites more resistant and can harm your health if used incorrectly. The quick intervention of a professional is therefore preferable to get rid of these insects effectively.
Learn more about bed bugs
This parasite is very active at night, during which time it feeds on human blood, leaving small grouped marks on the body, similar to mosquito bites. Bed bugs rarely bite pets and do not transmit disease. They live in furniture and fabrics, preferring dark, narrow and inaccessible spaces.
Other characteristics of bed bugs
These insects prefer warm temperatures, but do not tolerate very high temperatures. Although they live for five to six months, the dormant state allows them to live more than a year without feeding.
In good conditions, a female can lay a hundred eggs per day, arranged in clusters and fixed in small spaces. They hatch 10 to 14 days after laying.
There are many ways for bed bugs to spread, as they hide in fabrics and furniture. Moving, buying a used item, traveling or even a short trip on public transportation are all ways to spread bed bugs. Close contact with an infested object is enough to bring it home. They proliferate rapidly in multi-unit buildings and condominiums.
Bed bugs can be difficult to detect. Clustered bites on exposed body parts during the night are one of the first clues. However, some people do not respond to these stings. Feces, resembling small black spots, near the mattress seams or on the sheet, as well as bedbug skins and eggs near the bed are also clues.
Bed bug infestations can be prevented. By keeping the house free of clutter, for example, you limit the places where these insects can spread. When purchasing used items, inspect them carefully and treat them appropriately if necessary. When traveling, take the necessary precautions and inspect your belongings upon your return.